Tools: Sewing pick and sewing machine
Material: Used camera strap and Hmong money bag strap
1. The colorful strap is ideally used for a money bag/small Hmong handbag but instead I decided to cut and sew it into a camera strap. The Hmong strap can be found at Hmong Village, Hmong flea market, Hmong stores, Hmong new years and costs about $10-$20.
2. Find an old camera strap. (Notice that the canon strap is the same size as Hmong strap).
3. Start by using the sewing pick and cut the thread on the existing strap end. (WARNING: YOU CAN STAB/POKE YOURSELF SO BE CAREFUL)
4. Slowly work the end with sewing pick in any angle you can. Once it is completely free of threads the strap end should pull right off the strap. Repeat on the other end.
5. This time you will need a sewing machine because you can’t do it by hand. The material is too thick once the camera strap and strap end are placed together.
6. Place the Hmong strap into the strap end and start sewing it into a rectangle shape. To finish it off, sew an “X” shape inside the rectangle. By doing so, it strengthens the strap to the strap end. The finished sewing pattern should look like the original.
7. Viola your done!!
8. BONUS if you like the idea you can buy the Hmong strap with the money still attach to it…cha ching, cha ching, cha ching…